Friday, June 5, 2009

Cannon - 7 months old!

Cannon turned 7 months old on the 3rd and he has been busy!
He is still super laid back about most things. He has so many different sweet smiles, giggles hard, and hasn't tried food that he doesn't like.

Cannon is sitting up very well now. He loves looking at the world from this new position. He will sit up for half an hour, playing with toys, watching Carter or Murphy, and trying to find new and tasty things to put in his mouth. He will flop on his tummy and has started rocking back and forth on his hands and knees. He can move from one side of the quilt to the other, he's not crawling, but moves more like a caterpillar.

Food - he has solids, mush, or mechanical soft diet for all of you medical folks, 3 times a day, he doesn't want to miss a meal. He has also started eating cereal puffs and cheerios. They hold him over while mom and dad try to inhale their dinner and then feed Cannon his.

The bouncer is still a hit. Money well spent.
I move it all over the house. He loves to watch Carter play trains or me cook dinner.

He and Carter enjoy taking baths together. Carter will ask, "Can Cannon take a bath with me?" It is so sweet to watch Carter begin to really enjoy Cannon's company. In the picture below, he is reacting to his silly brother.

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