Saturday, October 31, 2009


Aggie football player

Wearing a tiger mask

talking on the phone

drinking chocolate milk

Post From wMy iPhone

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blue Sky & Green Grass

Quite the opposite from today, which is cold and dreary. These were taken back in September.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Carter rarely poses for pictures anymore. Wait, let me rephrase that - he rarely poses and smiles for pictures anymore.

This past Thursday at the library was an exception when he politely insisted I take his picture.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, October 5, 2009

Just being cute...

Cannon looking at Grammiki's backyard.  Maybe the roosters are out there...
He's been spending more time standing on his own.  And smiling, of course.  
He loves the circus train!

Just another day for Carter in the camo overalls.  Now we have added the Aggie football jersey.  

What?  My shoes are on the wrong feet?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cannon is 11 months old!!

Cannon celebrated his 11 month birthday today by eating his first chocolate chip cookie and learning how to go from sitting to standing...without holding on to anything.

A few highlights from the past month.
-Cannon is very eager to talk. He says cracker "a-der", daddy, mama, baba, hi, doggie "da-de", thank you "a-doo", night night "na-na", and probably a lot of other things that we haven't caught on to yet. He babbles in "sentences" and will try to say whatever you ask him to.

- He has dropped his morning nap and now takes just one nap from about 12:00-2:30. He sleeps a little better at night, but hasn't slept through the night officially. Yawn. Next week we will be rolling out Kim West's "Good Night Sleep Tight" strategy. We did of with Carter around the same age and it worked great.

- He can crawl at warp speed, cruises the furniture, walks with his walker or while holding our hands, and is standing alone at times. I found him standing in the living room today with nothing close by that could have helped him up!!

-He now has 6 teeth. He loves to feed himself, with his hands of course, and eats pretty much whatever we eat. And he can put it down. Just look at that belly!

-He is still laid back about most things, but we have had a few days where he wanted to be held all day. Thank goodness for my sling! The extra cuddles sure are nice though.

- He enjoys being outside and we often go swing by the pond in the mornings.

-He loves music and has great rythym! His favorite book is "Baby colors" which has pictures of cite babies. Be seems to like the cute Hispanic baby girl the best...she is pretty cute!

Happy 11 months Cannon!!

Post From My iPhone