Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Letters from pre-k

Carter loves getting mail. Packages create the most excitement, but letters are great too. Especially when they come from the highly regarded, soon-to-be pre-k teacher, Mrs. Hill

Carter Decided to write a letter back.

He worked hard. I wouldn't let him use any of his new crayons for school, so he made do with some of Cannon's "baby crayons" and old, broken ones.

He drew a schoolhouse and selected his favorite Bob the Builder sticker for the front.

Then he narrated while I wrote on the inside.

He gave it to her at the meet the teacher night.

She loved it, of course, and said she could tell he had a very kind heart.
She's right!

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Too cool for school?

We'll see. It starts tomorrow.

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Looking for Rainbows

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hangin with the boys

They were collecting chili peppers (crepe myrtle blossoms)and candles (sticks) for Austin's Birthday cake (pile of sand).

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Monday, August 9, 2010


Cannon wearing daddy's "at"

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