Saturday, December 19, 2009

Carter takes on Open Mic Night

Carter made his solo debut on stage tonight at the Fuel Coffee House. His Mom Carter is a regular there and Dana from Fuel asked me if Carter would like to sing a Christmas song at open mic night. I asked Carter about it later and he enthusiastically accepted the opportunity.

He decided to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Performances make me a little nervous. Anyone remember the mad fish?

We were reassured that his stage fright may have passed when he sang with a group twice in front of our church and did great! This was a solo performance though and I just wasn't sure...

He also made this impromptu performance on stage, but that wasn't in front of a large group of people.

Carter rehearsing his song

When I asked him if he wanted to practice his song beforehand, he requested to go up and rehearse on stage with the microphone, so we did. He acted like an old pro and even asked if he could have the guitar. Dana was so sweet and walked him through what would happen.

So tonight was the big night. Carter was excited about his "repormance" all day. He couldn't wait for his turn to sing. Once on stage, he was a little hesitant at first, but the crowd cheered him on and he sang the whole song with confidence and somewhat in tune! Justin stayed up there with him to show some extra support. We are so proud of our sweet, friendly little guy...and he's a pretty good singer too!

Way to go Carter!


Marc said...

This is awesome! Way to go big !! Does he have an agent? ;-)

Jill said...

I LOVE it!!!! I think that is so sweet. Did you tear up? I totally would have, I always at do when the kids do things like that. I hope you were able to video.

Jill said...

That is the only kid I would ever put money on to pull it off. He's got enough personality to take that solo show on the road. Wish I could have seen it. Too cute.