Thursday, December 3, 2009

1 year, 1 month

I thought I would take this opportunity to update Cannon's latest milestones and post the rest of his birthday pictures since I said I would get those up about a month ago. Cannon has been keeping us busy, in fact, he has been practicing his walking skills - up to 8 steps in a row! He has seemed frustrated lately so I am eager for him to master his walking skills although I will miss his "enthusiastic" crawl.

He has added a few more words to his vocabulary: jacket (ka-ket), Carter (ca-da), & kisses (sis-sis). He climbs on EVERYTHING and has even figured out how to pull the pillows off the couch onto the floor so he can use them to get onto the couch or the ottoman. He loves to drink his Yo-Baby drinkable yogurt when he wakes up from his nap and cries (quite dramatically) when it is all gone. One day I gave in and poured some more into his sippy cup and lets just say that was too much yogurt.

We haven't really found a food that he doesn't like. Often, he eats more than Carter. He still loves to say and eat crackers (cra--KER). He will crawl over to the area of the kitchen where I keep the crackers and request them. He also seems to understand much more and follow commands, sitting down, handing something over, and sometimes he will even stop playing in Murphy's food and water when asked, but that is a tough one.

He loves to giggle and growl (yes growl) and is still laid-back and happy - but is showing some signs of spunk. Before he would just cry when Carter would interfere with something he was doing, but now Cannon will put up a fight. Sometimes he will throw a fit when something is taken away from him...we can't help but laugh because the seem very similar to fits thrown by a certain 3 (almost 4) year old in the house.

Now, a few more birthday pictures (my favorite is the last one)

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