These are a few from my mom's camera. I'll try to sync my camera tomorrow and post a few more for those of you who just can't get enough of Cannon covered in his birthday cupcake.
Carter decided he wanted "Cannon" to open "his" presents first. Much more relaxed the second time around - Carter's first birthday cake was homemade with applesauce, carrots, and no refined sugar. For Cannon, the night before I stopped by HEB and picked up everyone some cute cupcakes that looked like ice cream sundaes. I'm sure they were just as healthy. A little unsure at first, Great Uncle Johnny helped him get started.
Ok, he's over the uncertainty.... Cannon wanted to share his cupcake with everyone. Even Murphy...
Words I can say: mama dada dog "dah" all done "aww duh" yucky "uhkee" cracker "aaah (pause) dah" this is one of his favorites baba
Things I like to do: Crawl on all fours Walk with my walker Walk holding on to one finger Take 2-3 steps (preferably with a cracker in each hand) Climb on to the rocking horse Climb on to my little chair and make my parents very nervous Climb the stairs any time my parents forget to close the gate (yikes!) Eat just about anything - my favorite is peaches Make clicking and kissy sounds Point Giggle Playing with Carter's toys, especially the front loader, firehouse, and really anything he is playing with Playing with my Fisher Price House, Roll around ball dragon, and anything that plays music Sleep is growing on me, I just started sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago!! Try to eat Murphy's dog food Open up all of the cabinets Empty the trash and laundry basket Splash in the bathtub Look out the windows Listen to music Dance - I have great rythem Snuggling with my elephant Laughing when my big brother makes funny faces Playing the piano Watching mom do laundry I love looking at other babies, in books or in real life
Cannon is such a sweet, easy-going guy. Happy the majority of the time, but not a big fan of sleeping. He went from two naps to one when he turned 11 months, which is earlier than most. He's just started throwing some little fits and his favorite thing to do is throw whatever it is he isn't happy about - cup, cracker, toy etc. Usually, though, he eventually ends up picking it up and drinking/ eating/ playing with it anyway. It isn't long before he starts smiling again. He has the cutest "babble" that I can't even begin to describe. He giggles easily too, especially at his big brother. He has also become much more of a snuggler lately, which we love! He still sleeps upstairs in the extra closet in our bedroom most of the time, but will be moving downstairs to share a room with Carter soon. I can't believe it's been 1 year! We love you Cannon Quinn!
A year ago today, sweet Cannon Quinn joined our family! We had not decided on a name until after he was born.
Colin and Cannon were the top two names.
Carter was so excited to be a big brother. Finally home and ready to sleep (or not) in our own bed.
Cannon seemed like he had so much hair compared to Carter. Cannon just had darker hair, but not much more than his big brother.
Ahhh, I remember the time when he would sleep... Cannon is a light sleeper. Unlike his big brother who slept through the bathroom remodel. This is one of my favorite pictures of the boys.
This one too...
Cannon's first Christmas
The last week of December, Cannon made his first road trip to Pampa. Smiling! We stopped at a bounce house in Fort Worth on the way back. I think he enjoyed it??
Cannon enjoyed tummy time. This picture just cracks me up He weighed one pound less than Carter when he was born. He seemed so tiny. He put on weight fast and quickly outgrew his bassinet.
Carter teaching Cannon how to lift up his head. Cannon loved being carried in the sling. Baths were a hit! The bouncer too. Again, enjoying the tummy time. Carter would have none of it as a baby, but Cannon loved it! Carter is such a good big brother. Another favorite picture. Finally time for the exersaucer / jumper. One of my favorite toys! Starting solids. We loved this face. He would bite down on the spoon and wrinkle his forehead. Trying to flip over. The exersaucer (applesaucer according to Carter) and Grammiki's Cannon hanging out in the sling helping me vacuum. This picture was discovered by the folks at Baby K'tan (the makers of the sling) on my blog and landed him on their website. Agh! Teething! Cannon got his first tooth when he was 5 months old. Sitting up well! He loves his elephant, we got this as a gift from my friend Carmie, Marc and Isabella. Starting with the low-crawl. Another favorite. I just want to kiss those cheeks! and toes. and fingers. June was the month to travel. Hanging out at the Hamlin's lakehouse. Then to Sea World... And Houston...
And then back home...
Cannon loves baths with his big brother! Pulling up well now and getting ready to walk!
I'm so excited it got cold enough for Cannon to wear this jacket - it was Carter's. :)
These were taken on Cannon's last day as an 11 month old!