Friday, August 8, 2008

I may need a sedative...

I'm really excited about the thought of being a mom to 2 boys. Carter is so sweet and loving - and always up for an adventure (so long as its on his terms). However, as he gets bigger, so do his ideas. My blood pressure rises proportionately. Our last trip to the park was no exception - I had to be extra quick on my feet (that's not easy 6 months pregnant in August).

Don't worry, I just snapped a picture and ran to his rescue...

He has been watching the big kids on the playground and taking great notes
The last time we were at this park, his little legs didn't seem like they could traverse the steps. I was a little nervous about letting him attempt this, but he was determined....

My thoughts...."We are only a few blocks from the hospital...where we live, we are only a few blocks from anything...gosh, I would love to have some Pei Wei sometime soon, it would probably take an hour to get there...focus on your child who may need you to come scoop him off the ground in a few seconds...I really hope he doesn't fall, I can't believe I'm letting him do this..."

"Ok, he made it!" I was relieved. Carter screamed, "Look at me! I did it!"
And then he did it again and again and again....

Making his mother a nervous wreck made him extra smiley, so I took lots of pictures.

What a handsome boy!

He will rarely pose for me...too cute!

A rare picture of Carter and I. The only way I get in the picture with him is to take the "awkward self portrait"


Sum Sum said...

I love the songs.

Carmie said...

val, i love reading your blog! i think you're so funny & make even the most mundane things comical - can't wait for you to write a book! i think it'd be GREAT!