Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week 3

We made it through week three unscathed!
Cannon has quite the appetite and is putting on the "ounces" too. He is still sleeping well but will stay awake for an hour or so in the morning and afternoon. He is starting to hold his head up for longer periods of time and still loves to snuggle and be held...even while he is asleep. He also loves to ride around with mom in the sling, thank goodness!

The weather has been beautiful! Carter took Cannon to his first trip to the park.

Showing off on the slide...

Later that evening, we went back to the park for a holiday light display.
We kicked off the night with some hot chocolate.
(forgot the camera, so we took pictures with the iphone)

Next, marshmallow roasting...
Cannon enjoyed the ride too - he slept most of the time in the Baby Bjorn

Good night...

1 comment:

Marc said...

Looking great! Happy 1 month!