Monday, March 17, 2014

Random cuteness

Cardboard is fun! Another benefit of amazon prime! Big awkward boxes!

Magically transformed into robots and tanks. The tank still sits in our living room months later. I don't even notice it anymore.

The Morris boys and Carter's best friend playing their iPads.

Knox does this every time he gets out if the tub. Don't try to move makes him angry.

Murphy, you rock.

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Knox's selfies

Here is a small "snapshot" of the hundreds of pictures Knox took of himself on my phone.

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Again, thanks!

And then it snowed again!!

Here are the cute, cuddly boys all bundled up...

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Thank goodness!

Catching up from the past few months....

I had told the boys that one of the perks of moving out to west Texas is that we would probably see more snow.

Thank you, west Texas for delivering!

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