But tonight, the house is relatively in order (for now) the kids are asleep (for now) and as I'm picking up around the house, I find cute little reminders of their daily activities.
Star Wars in the kitchen...
Cannon loves to play the piano. Today he pulled up his high chair to play.
Cannon's new dog, "Spots" and a bone that belongs to another one of his tiny toy dogs.
The new lotion I got for the boys. Cannon smeared the tube all over his bed tonight.
Carter sets out his toothbrush and mouthwash each night. He has become very concerned with his oral hygiene.
Cannon's vacuum, shoes, and potty - all conveniently located in the bathroom.
There are also diagrams of stomachs, intestines, and other anatomy, on the breakfast bar.
While walking around, typing this post on the tiny keys of my iphone, I stepped on this airplane.
I love the messes.
Especially the ones that made them.
--Posted from BlogPress from my iPhone