Friday, May 29, 2009

Whatever works

Cannon is sleeping somewhat better...
This is his new favorite sleeping position.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Carter, Cannon and I went by Ryan's office today. Carter got a sucker. Orange, of course.

He had intentions of helping him with his paperwork.

It was a little overwhelming, so we went home. Hopefully Ryan will make it home soon too.

On another note, don't Ryan's freshly painted office walls look nice?

-- Post From My iPhone


Cannon has been working on his sitting skills. Every day be can sit for longer periods of time before he "crashes over" <- Carter's words.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Cannon's first " piece" of fruit. Gotta love the orange slices at Pei Wei!

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, May 22, 2009


Ben is one of Carter's trains. Carter has rigged him up so that he can look out the window.

Just overheard-

Ben: I want to get down
Carter: ok, just be real still and I will help you

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Same but different

Same exersaucer
By the way, Carter calls it an "applesaucer"

Same level of excitement

Same Grandma's House

Different Baby.
Carter enjoying the exersaucer / applesaucer back in '06

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fun at Grandma Miki's

One baby trait that Carter and Cannon DO share is a love for bouncing. Carter had a blast in this same exersaucer back in the day and it seems that Cannon is enjoying it too.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3 year old poster child

Have you heard?

She did what?

They got a new playset?!

I can't believe this!

No way...he didn't do that!
He is going to get in so much trouble.

That's great news!Carter is in the loop of all the town gossip.
He wouldn't tell me what it was all about.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I don't get it

See what I mean about the pacifier? He's trying, but just doesn't get it.

-- Post From My iPhone

Happy 6 months Cannon!

Cannon turned 6 months old yesterday!
A few highlights-
--Cannon is quite mobile. Although he can't crawl, he can scoot and squirm around.
--His big brother can make him smile and giggle by making silly faces, sounds, and singing
--Not sure how much he weighs yet (dr appt. next week), but he is wearing 12 month old clothes!
--He loves loves loves his Baby Einstein Bouncer
--Sleeping is a work in progeess. He would much rather stay awake and watch the action than take a nap. His mom and dad have a new sleep routine for him. He's not wild about it yet, but he still seems to like them.
--He has 2 teeth on the bottom! He got his a month later than Carter, but still earlier than most.
--He loves to read the "Baby Faces" book, he starts kicking and smiling when he sees it.
--Swinging is so last month (sniff sniff)
--He enjoys watching people talk on the phone.
--He has the most amazing, loving smile.
--Cannon is unlike Carter in so many ways, but equally wonderful.

Check out his teeth!

Trying to suck his thumb. He still has no ideahow to use a pacifier. He sticks the wrong end in his mouth, but he seems to enjoy it!

Carter loves to play "cheekies" with Cannon

Snuggles with Dad

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hey Cannon!

This is the face Cannon makes when we
call his name.

-- Post From My iPhone