Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chilly Weather!

Here are some pictures of the boys on this chilly day.

Silly face...

Carter giving Cannon kisses before he leaves for school.
Carter is hiding in the picture below, can you spot him?
Here he is!

Our little Ewok

Good night...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Little Brown Bear

Below is a picture I took of Cannon all bundled up on a cold day.
I just love little hooded tops with animal ears on them - there is just something irresistible about them!Also, Cannon had his two week checkup on Tuesday. He is doing great and putting on the weight - now weighs 8 lbs. 4 oz.
Cannon is quite the sleeper and snuggler - loves to lay to one side
(no particular preference which side), loves to listen to music,
gazes out the window over his changing table, and is very easygoing overall.
He's not wild about getting strapped into the car seat, but does well once the car starts moving.

Ryan and Carter put together Carter's previously enjoyed baby swing yesterday and Cannon seems to enjoy it so far. Carter likes to watch Cannon swing and constantly asks me if he can push him HIGHER?! At least he asks. :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Boys

Carter watching carefully as his brother gets his first real bath. Carter thought it was cool that Cannon had a "swimming pool".
More pics of Cannon sleeping...

I promise, he does open his eyes. I just need to be quicker with the camera.

Carter and Cannon hanging out with their super soft and cuddly blankets compliments of Cousin Marilyn.

Sweet boys

We told Carter to make sure he held Cannon's head up, so he did...
Carter has been keeping us laughing a lot lately - he has a great sense of humor.
Just before I snapped this picture he said, "these are my boys".

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lots of new pictures!

New pictures of Carter and Cannon follow...
Also, I got caught up on some "before Cannon" photos - rocket launching and Halloween. Scroll past the Cannon photos to view them.

Cannon's First Week in Photos

Carter has been amazing. He has been such a sweet, attentive big brother.
We've enjoyed seeing his nurturing side toward Cannon.
Their first brother to brother talk.
He loves to give Cannon kisses
Our sweet boys

Sweet smile

Smiles? Gas? Doesn't matter, still cute.
Big yawns...this guy loves to sleep (most of the time)

Sweet dreams...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do they look alike?

Many have asked if Cannon looks like Carter...

Carter Ryan

Cannon Quinn

Cannon Quinn Morris

Born: November 3, 2008
5:46 p.m.
7 lbs. 14 oz.
21 1/2 inches long

Monday, November 3, 2008

Blast off!

Ryan got a rocket for (ahem...) Carter.
Carter is convinced the smaller rocket, that was never found, is still up in outer space.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Can't resist

The Hooser family sent Carter a super cool Thomas the Train "holster"...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We went to Grammiki's house for Halloween. We volunteered to help pass out candy and took Carter trick or treating on her street.

Dad and Carter fueling up before the big night.
Carter practicing "gig 'em Aggies!"

Our last picture as a family of three!
Time to go Trick or Treating!
Still running...must get more candy!

After Ryan and Carter finished trick or treating,
Carter enjoyed watching the other trick or treaters come by the house.
He would get in line with the other kids and try to sneak by his dad for more candy.

Another round please!

We passed out 25 lbs. of candy in about 2 hours!
The thing to do was to load up the kids and a cooler into your decorated flatbed trailer.
Looks like fun to me!