Saturday, March 28, 2009

Laundry Day

I've had the unfortunate occurrence of opening up the washer
to find white clothes turned pink,
the aftermath of a pen explosion,
or even the results of a diaper going through the wash
(those absorbent beads can only absorb so much
and then they just explode, BIG mess).

So, I always try to check my laundry thoroughly.
Especially now that Carter
is putting his own laundry in the dirty clothes
(with prompting from his parents, of course).
You never know what may end up in there.

Look out for 3 year olds in your laundry hampers folks!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No one was harmed in the making of this post.

It has been such fun to see Cannon's personality unfold and I can't wait to see who he becomes as the years go by. What's been equally enjoyable is to see how Carter has changed since Cannon's arrival. He's always been social, nurturing, and enthusiastic --those personality traits have held true. Now, I am starting to see his teaching qualities emerge. Of course, he's not teaching him mathematical equations or anything, but more "life skills". He teaches him about smiling, holding his head up, crawling, how to play with know, the things that are important to a 4 month & 3 year old boy.
For now, those life skills are completely acceptable and well-mannered although I know, that with boys, that will soon change.

Carter has been asking to hold Cannon more.
Cannon is way to big (did I mention he weighed 18 lbs 2 oz and was 26" long at his 4 month appointment?) and wiggley for Carter to hold, but sometimes they do hang out on the couch together which seems to make Carter happy.
Aren't they cute?
Carter has been so sweet and patient.
He is so much more patient with Cannon than he is with his parents.
I've seen him get frustrated, but he doesn't act out physically.
Just a sigh or a groan.

But just as I was photographing these sweet boys, I captured the first physical attack...

I just didn't expect it to be Cannon!!
Cannon is about to take a swing at Carter. Carter looks a little scared, don't you think?

No one was harmed in the making of this post. Luckily Cannon's coordination isn't all that great, so he never actually hit his brother. But it sure looks like he's about to smack 'em.

I Want to Rock!

With so many battery operated, music blaring, multilingual teaching toys out there,
its great to see how something as simple as
a few boxes turned over can become so entertaining. He's playing the drums with his colored pencils / drumsticks.
It's his own style.
After his set, he threw his drum sicks in the air and said,"thank you, thank you!"
I didn't get a picture of that, I was running for cover.

The musical adventure doesn't stop there.
Carter is taking his talents on tour at the local coffee house.
He has made up a song about Thomas the Tank Engine of course.And is singin' away.

As people walked in , he paused to say, "look at these people coming to my show!"


I was worried Carter was going to drop his afternoon nap...
he still NEEDS one, and I NEED him to take one too.
He can hang on until about 6:00, but if he hasn't had his nap,
he gets awfully grumpy.

So this is why I LOVE this picture...
Don't you feel more rested just looking at it?

And of course, Cannon loves to sleep in his swing.
Not sure what I'm going to do when he gets too big for it.
Maybe I'll get a hammock.


Cannon watching Carter play with his trains.
Or maybe, Cannon is watching his foot.

Cannon loves tummy time!

A few weeks ago, he learned to roll from tummy to back. Now he has learned how to roll from back to tummy and almost immediately rolls over as soon as he is placed on his bsck.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kids are cute when it's cold

During one of the recent cold snaps,
I got some pictures of Carter and Cannon in their cold weather gear.

Carter was very "busy".
I love Cannon's expression watching his busy big brother.

I also love this hat.

It was too small when it was really cold.
But, he's bigger now...just a month or so later.

Luckily he got to wear it one more time before I packed it away.

Cannon in the Crib

So much fun, playing in the crib

smilingwaving and smiling

what do you think he is doing here?

playing with his favorite crib toy

playing and kicking

All play, no sleep in the crib.